Recipe: Egg and crab meat soup topped with Enoki mushrooms

Jan 17, 2019


A pack of Enoki mushrooms
2 eggs
1 crab stick, coarsely shredded
A few ginger slices
A handful of chopped shallot
Condiments: Salt and chicken powder
Cooking method: 
1. In a bowl, beaten the eggs, add a pinch of salt and whisk evenly.
2. Remove the root of Enoki mushroom, rinse off and set aside.
3. In a hot stockpot filled with 3-4 bowls of boiling water, pour in egg liquid, drop in ginger slices, shredded crab meat and bring into a boil. Then combine with Enoki mushrooms and season to taste with a dash of salt and chicken powder.
4. Before serving, garnish with a handful of chopped shallot if desired.