Change of ownership Lambert Spawn Europa B.V.

Feb 13, 2018

Herewith Jan Baltussen and Eric Vernooij would like to personally inform you about the change in ownership of the company: Lambert Spawn Europa B.V.. Our exit has been activated since the 1st of January 2018.

In good harmony we have carne to a buyout and sold all our shares to Lambert USA. The choice to hand over the shares was made for various reasons. Bath parties recognized that the importance of "one captain on a ship" is necessary to start a production site in good order.

This means that we, Jan Baltussen and Eric Vernooij, will continue to develop the mushroom market with the various range of ChampFood products .

Lambert Spawn Europa B.V. will establish a production site. An existing structure is commissioned in December 2017 in Venlo, The Netherlands. Contractors are naw working hard on the internal design of the building.

The daily management of Lambert Spawn Europa B.V. is from naw on led by M r. Scott Mclntyre and Mr. les Hooglugt. We are confident that the further development of Lambert Spawn will be in good hands and will continue to grow with the same commitment and passion!

We would like to thank you for the trust we have received over the years. Due to this trust we were able to enable a solid base for Lambert Spawn in Europe.