On 22 September, CNC proudly celebrated its 70th anniversary with its business relations and employees. In addition to commemorating the company’s milestones, the festivities also provided an opportunity to showcase the value of long-term business relationships.

Their presence being the greatest gift of all, guests were asked not to bring other gifts. Those who wanted to show their appreciation nonetheless were suggested to make a donation to The European Mushroom Growers Group (GEPC), in support of European initiatives for mushroom promotion.

The response to the suggestion surpassed all expectations, with CNC’s business relations donating a total amount of €1,500. Marco Peeters, Commercial Manager of CNC, recently presented the donation to Tom van Wijk, Chair of the Mushroom Department Group of the Netherlands Agricultural and Horticultural Association (LTO).

CNC is extremely grateful to its relations for their generosity.

More information about the European promotional campaign for mushrooms is available on a dedicated website.

Source: Press release of CNC Grondstoffen B.V.

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