Mushroom Valley is going high in 2019!

Jan 23, 2019

Source: Press release Mushroom Valley

Home base Mushroom Valley opened by mayor Kees van Rooij van Meierijstad

Mushroom Valley has appointed Kees van Rooij of Meijerijstad as ambassador on the 21st. of January during their first partner meeting. Purpose of this meeting was also the official opening of the own Box in Box within Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo and presenting the 2019 plans. Key in this meeting was the culinary experience tour through the home base, Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo.

Mushroom Valley is established in 2017 with the ambition to empower the international position of the dutch mushroom sector. Mushroom Valley is now doing this together with about thirty partners and more than ten supporters.

Mushroom Valley is going high

"The plans of Mushroom Valley for 2019 are high!" said project leader Jan Janssen last Monday. "An example is the project 'Do you also become so high in mushrooms' that need to enable the enthusiasm of students to go for a career in the mushroom sector. This gives substance to the demand from partners for manpower. A highlight in this context are the Mushroom Days that are being held in 's-Hertogenbosch from 22 to 24 May 2019. "Mushroom Valley is organizing a program for students on the last day of this international mushroom conference. "In addition, our trainee Kevin van Berlo is working hard on realizing 'The mushroom farm of the future'. Within this farm, not only production, but especially innovation, education and connection are key, " says Janssen.

The power of collaboration

To give body to these ambitious plans for 2019, collaboration is key. That is why, just as during the National Mushrooms Day last year, the link was made with the food region of Northeast Brabant. Mayor Kees van Rooij of Meierijstad was allowed to officially open the new home of Mushroom Valley and reveal the 'Mushroom Valley graffiti wall' made by Fish. Van Rooij was then appointed Ambassador of Mushroom Valley by Jan Hulsen, chairman of Mushroom Valley. Because of his dedication prior to the founding of Mushroom Valley, but especially for the connecting role he can and wants to fill between Mushroom Valley and the Northeast Brabant region, which includes AgriFood Capital.


The leading thread during the partner meeting was the culinary experience tour through the home base, Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo.
Enjoying delicious appetizers, of course with mushrooms as leading role, guests were introduced to Brightlands cuisine, Kokkerelli, Brightlabs, Bio Treat Center, Compas Agro, Bright 5, MiFood and Bleu Engineering. Mushroom Valley has established itself in the Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, which is stationed at Villa Flora. Mushroom Valley shares six box-in-boxes with BVB Euroveen, Brightlabs, Compas Agro, Kipster and Rabobank. Within Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo innovators from the corporate world, science and education work together on innovations in the area of healthy food, plant breeding, cultivation and alternative raw materials and food sources. Meeting and connecting is central to Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, which offers opportunities for both Mushroom Valley and its partners and supporters.

For questions related to this press release, please contact:
Projectlead Jan Janssen
T: 06 53842161
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Communication Mushroom Valley
Renee Janssen
T: 077 707 4212
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